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Orion Corporation shall have one auditor, which is an Authorised Public Accountants Organisation. The term of the auditor shall be the financial period. The duties of the auditor shall terminate at the close of the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders following the election.

Orion's Annual General Meeting 2024 elected KPMG Oy Ab, Authorized Public Accountant Firm, as the auditor of Orion Corporation. Sustainability Reporting Audit Firm KPMG Oy Ab were elected as the Company’s Sustainability Reporting Assurance Provider. For the financial year 2024, the designated auditor is Kimmo Antonen, Authorized Public Accountant. Authorised Public Accountant Organisation, KPMG Oy Ab has served as Orion’s auditor since the financial year 2018.

Remuneration of the auditor

The fees to the auditors are paid against invoicing accepted by Orion Corporation.

Authorized Public Accountant Organisation KPMG Oy AB was remunerated for their services as follows:

EUR 1,000  2024 2023
Auditing 356 342
Assignments in accordance with the Auditing Act 185 43
Advice on taxation 19 17
Other services 5 0
Total 566 401

The assurance fee for sustainability reporting is included in the assignments referred to in section 1, subsection 1, paragraph 2 of the Auditing Act.