The Orion Group net sales in 1999 grew by 4.9% to MFIM 5,424 million (MFIM 5,172). International operations increased by 5.2% and came to MFIM 1,962 (MFIM 1,864). Profit before extraordinary items and taxes was MFIM 811 (MFIM 720), up 12.7%. Earnings per share were FIM 7.88, (FIM 7.19) up 9.6%. Shareholders' equity per share was FIM 56.22 (FIM 62.05). Proposed dividend per share for 1999 is EUR 0.60 or FIM 3.57 in cash, and in Instrumentarium Corporation shares with a maximum counter value of EUR 0.67 or FIM 3.98, altogether no more than EUR 1.27 or FIM 7.55.
At a meeting held yesterday, the Board of Directors has signed the 1999 Financial Statements for Orion Corporation. The Annual Report will be published on March 21, 2000. The figures in this announcement have not been audited. The percentages reflecting changes on the previous year have been calculated from more precise figures than the published ones. The figures in parentheses refer to the comparable value for the previous year.
The full press release can be downloaded from the following link: