Välittämö100 Web service enables you to donate to carers and their families
According to a recent survey, Finns find helping their loved ones the most valuable form of charity. The majority of the respondents also believe they would be more willing to help if there were easier ways to participate in charity work. Via Välittämö100, a Web service Orion has created together with The Central Association of Carers in Finland, Finnish people as well as organisations, can donate different kinds of services to carers and their families.
Välittämö100, a Web service created together by Orion and The Central Association of Carers in Finland, is now open at välittämö100.fi. The service is available in Finnish only.
Via Välittämö100, Finnish people, as well as organisations, can donate different kinds of services to carers and their families. The donations can include, for example, fixed-term newspaper or magazine subscriptions, gift cards for cruise ships, gym memberships or other types of service gift cards. Furthermore, Välittämö enables you to donate your time to help carers with domestic chores, such as tidying, cleaning or gardening, for example. All communication between a donor and carer happens via email.
"Many of the services we buy or are given remain partly unused, such as gym memberships or printed newspapers delivered to our mailbox, which we often forget to postpone the delivery of while we are away on holiday. Välittämö100 enables the sharing of these kind of servces to people who are committed to caring for their loved ones," says Terhi Ormio, Vice President of Communications and Media relations at Orion.
In April, Orion conducted a survey that mapped approximately 1,000 Finns' perceptions about charity work. The study found that the majority of Finns (66%) see helping their loved ones as the most valuable form of charity. For 57 per cent of respondents, different kinds of support services for children are considered valuable, 56 per cent of those surveyed perceiving that support services for the elderly are valuable. 39 per cent of Finns believed that they would do more charity work if there were easier ways to participate. Over half (53%) of 18-22-year-old adults shared this opinion.
"Families in care situations are a very diverse group. There are people looking after their aging spouses, and parents caring for for their disabled or ill children, for example. The everyday life of a caregiver is rather demanding, and a care situation affects all family members. Therefore, supporting these families is of the utmost importance," states Marja Tuomi, Executive Director at The Central Association of Carers in Finland.
Survey: Finns want to participate in charity work because it's the right thing to do
According to the survey, helping their loved ones is the most common way for Finns to participate in charity work (56% of respondents). Donating to organisations comes in second (32%). Nearly one fifth (19%) of female respondents said that they help strangers in the name of charity, whereas only 10 per cent of male respondents said the same.
Furthermore, young adults clearly rate helping strangers as more important than the older age groups: 29 per cent of respondents below the age of 35 evaluated helping strangers as the most important form of charity, while only 12 per cent of the 56-80-year-olds agreed.
Over half of the respondents (52%) consider that an enough reason to participate in charity work is the fact that, simply, it is the right thing to do. In addition, nearly half (46%) said that they are motivated by the desire to help the disadvantaged. According to the survey, women (27%) tend to be more concerned about the overall state of the world in comparison to men (17%). So too, were the respondents between the age of 25-35 (32%), compared to other age groups.
When asked which services are mostly left unused by the respondents, nearly half (46%) reported a giftcard to a cruise ship. One third (29%) had left a bonus voucher unused, and one fifth (22%) a
film ticket.
Orion and The Central Association of Carers in Finland are celebrating the centenary of Finland under the theme "Working together in support of carers". Välittämö100 will be in action throughout Finland's as well as Orion's 100th jubilee year 2017. After that, the aim is to have Välittämö consolidate its position as the home address of caring, where more and more Finns will arrive in the future.
Information about the survey:
The survey was conducted by Cint. The information was gathered in April 2017 via Cint's digital consumer panel. The group of 1,002 respondents was representative of the Finnish population in terms of age (18-80 years), gender and domicile.
More information:
Terhi Ormio, Vice President, Communications and Media relations, Orion Corporation
tel. +358 10 426 4646, terhi.ormio@orion.fi
Marja Tuomi, Executive Director, The Central Association of Carers in Finland
tel. +358 20 7806 514, marja.tuomi@omaishoitajat.fi