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Outi Vaarala

Professor of Pediatric Immunology, Professor of Autoimmune Diseases, PhD in immunology b. 1962

Executive Vice President, Innovative Medicines and Research & Development as of 1 January 2023 (as Senior Vice President until 14 February 2025)

Ownership of shares 31 Dec 2023: 7,098 Orion Corporation B shares

Career in Orion

2023- Executive Vice President, Innovative Medicines and Research & Development (as Senior Vice President until 14 February 2025)
2020-2022 Senior Vice President, Research and Development
2019-2020 Vice President of Oncology Research

Earlier career

2018-2019 Senior Director Research, Respiratory Inflammation and Autoimmunity,  Medimmune, AstraZeneca, The United States
2017-2018 Vice President, Head of Lung Immunity, AstraZeneca, Sweden
2014-2017 Vice President, Head of Translational Science, AstraZeneca, Sweden
2014 Director of the Department of Vaccinations and Immune Protection; Finnish Institute for Health and  Welfare (THL)
2005-2014 Research Professor, Head of the Immune Response Unit, Department of Vaccines and Immune Protection; Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL)

Former key positions of trust

Member of the Board of Directors: Tampere University Foundation 2021-2024

2005-2014 Permanent expert at the European Medicines Agency (EMA)

More than 200 peer-reviewed scientific articles in internationally renowned scientific journals (as in Science Translational Medicine, Cell Host Microbes, JAMA, New England Journal of Medicine, the Lancet, and Journal of Immunology).


Member of the Orion Executive Team

Outi Vaarala